You're making a difference

Thanks so much

Your support will help make a difference in the lives of individuals locally, nationally, and globally who have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, systemic oppression, and other life challenges occuring even before the pandemic. Your support will help individuals like YOU, like your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, children, students, your boss, co-workers, fellow worshipper, spouse, partner, coach, everyone you know, in every area of life and living. Let’s make a difference and make this FREE and CONFIDENTIAL social-emotional wellness support service available to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, ANYTIME.

All Donors receive a tax deductible certificate – Thank you for your tax deductible gift. GCSCORED is a tax exempt 501c3 organization. Your Gift will support individuals who receive behavioral health services which they otherwise would not be able to access and afford and therefore would have to suffer in silence, isolation and unsupported. 

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