NOHS Partnership
GCSCORED and NOHS (National Organization for Human Services) have partnered together to expand the influence of the Cultivating SEEDS System Framework®(CSS®) which includes the RUMERTIME Process®. This new partnership is poised to increase access to the CSS Framework® which is a culturally responsive, re-conceptualized, de-stigmatized and de-mystified approach to mental health and wellness. This partnership will cultivate the social emotional education and wellness support capacity among Human Services students, practitioners & educators throughout the USA and globally.
GCSCORED, Inc. is a non-profit/501c3 organization, born with a purpose to build relational capacity in individuals, families, schools, communities and organizations. We educate and equip individuals with the social-emotional skills necessary to become a conscious problem solver and your own life coach. Ultimately, you become empowered to be the best version of yourself.
We help to Renew your Mind and Transform your Lives by providing immersion experiences, coaching services, online courses, program development and evaluation to educate, equip, and empower advocates to transform their lives and create safer communities.
- We increase access to healthy Mindsets, Activities, Relationships, Knowledge, Emotions, Resources, and Strategies.
- We assist individuals in the effective use of social emotional competencies in their daily lives.
- We engage, educate, equip, and empower children, tweens, teens, youth, and adults.
- We create policies, programs, and practices that are intentionally aligned.
Programs and Services
- ARC Podcast – Access RUMERTIME Conversations(ARC) is a bi-monthly live stream with GCSCORED hosts and guests. This conversation is streamed live as we engage with guests who have experienced the benefits of the RUMERTIME Process in real time.
- RFSC – This two week social-emotional wellness program is for families seeking to improve relationships in their homes. Children between the ages of 7 to 18 year olds and their caregivers are educated, equipped and empowered as a family unit with the social emotional skills necessary to cultivate relationship capacity in the home, school, workplace, and community and across their life course.
- LOWS – The Listening Oasis Wellness Space(LOWS) is a FREE and confidential service with highly qualified Wellness Champions™, trained to de-stigmatize, de-mystify, and listen to “your story” without judgment. This social-emotional wellness support program is right at your fingertips, free and confidential. It does not matter the social-emotional distress you are experiencing, we all can benefit from a caring, compassionate, and non-judgemental Wellness Champion™ walking alongside us in our very diverse stories.
- JGET – The purpose of this journal is threefold: 1) to discuss, describe, share, and report on the work that practitioners across diverse disciplines are involved in on a daily basis which transforms lives and creates safer communities; 2) to be a platform for scholars whose works are translatable to real world, relevant, practical solutions that transforms lives and create safer communities; 3) to promote the social and emotional development of children, youth, and adults. JGET aims to move beyond disciplinary boundaries towards wider transdisciplinary dialogue on factors influencing the social and emotional determinants of an individual’s life course, which are increasingly hybrid, diasporic, border-crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global.
- ISEE – We Educate! Equip! And Empower you and your stakeholders to become conscious problem-solvers and your own life coaches.
- We Educate! Equip! And Empower YOU with the healthy social-emotional skills to build relationship capacity at home, school, Work, and in the community.
Social Media Channels
Facebook (@GCSCORED) – https://www.facebook.com/gcscored
Twitter (@GC_SCORED) – https://twitter.com/gc_scored
Instagram (GCSCORED) – https://www.instagram.com/gcscored
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/gcscored
YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/c/GCSCOREDInc
WhatsApp (15745145506) – https://wa.me/15745145506
About NOHS
Main Website: https://www.nationalhumanservices.org/
The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) is a nonprofit organization representing Human Service practitioners, educators, students and future Human Service Professionals. NOHS works to support all Human Service Professionals in our primary purpose to assist individuals and communities to function as effectively as possible in all major domains of living.
Our purpose is to promote connection among Human Service Professionals, students, and educators in:
- Providing a medium for collaboration, communication, and connections among individuals associated with the field of human services;
- Facilitating excellence in the delivery of human services;
- Supporting the ethical conduct in the human service field;
- Fostering excellence in teaching, research and curriculum planning;
- Providing resources and opportunities for Human Service Professionals in their professional development;
- Promoting social justice through advocacy and policy evaluation.
The field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. The Human Services profession is one which promotes improved service delivery systems by addressing not only the quality of direct services, but also by seeking to improve accessibility, accountability, and coordination among professionals and agencies in service delivery.
Programs & Services
- Quarterly Member Newsletter
- Updates from the leadership team across NOHS organization.
- Human Services Today Quarterly Member Magazine
- On-trend, up-to-the-moment articles on practices, ethics, and other issues in human services.
- Journal of Human Services
- A source of scholarly articles, researches, and discussions pertaining to current topics in the human services profession.
Media Productions & Campaigns
- Roundtable Discussions Podcast (YouTube)
- Monthly video podcast discussions with professionals and experts about work, experience, and opportunities that impact the success of all individuals in the human services field.
- Getting Hired In Human Services
- Video series pertaining to the many avenues of job entry in the field for new professionals.
- Member Spotlights
- Media campaign highlighting the unique personalities and backgrounds of NOHS members.
Professional Development
- Virtual Knowledge Series
- Workshops are structured to provide new knowledge and skill sets to members, often in partnership with sponsors and professional leaders.
- Job Board
- Online platform providing tools to support resume building, interview skills, and job searching.
- Research Projects & Studies
- Opportunities to participate in research projects and studies by NOHS members from around the country.
- Educator Resource Library
- Members-only access to curriculum and lesson planning tools, assignments, and projects.
Social Media Channels
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nationalhumanservices/
Facebook (@NationalHumanServices): https://www.facebook.com/NationalHumanServices
Instagram (@nohs_org): https://www.instagram.com/nohs_org/
Twitter (@NOHS_org): https://twitter.com/NOHS_org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nationalhumanservices/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSaLjbcz4CupCtZcdu2hJg